Marcus Fenix is an elite COG Soldier who is considered the head of Delta Squad. Marcus is the son of Adam Fenix, a professor who was also out to serve his country. Marcus risked his life to try and save his father after the Locust invasion, and was sentenced to prison for abandoning his post to do so. Luckily, Long-time friend "Dom" Santiago came and rescued him where they reunited and formed Delta Squad. Marcus is a renowned war hero, earning himself pride and honor by receiving the Embry Star, COG's highest award available. Similar to his friend Dom, Marcus has endured severe emotional pain throughout his life. His father, of course, was missing and considered dead, and his mother was reported missing before he had even joined the army. Nevertheless, Marcus proved himself a man and went forth and did his country good. With no family, Marcus has adopted strong romantic feelings for Anya Stroud, although he never would admit it. He leads Delta Squad, and fights along some of the best soldiers the COG Army has to offer. Although he completes the most elite missions the COG has to offer, he also has a mission of his own: To locate his father. Throughout his years of service Marcus often hears about his Dad and believes strongly that he is still alive. Marcus has played a large role in many people's lives, from Training the Carmine Brothers, to being a brother to Dom in even the toughest of times. Marcus Fenix an incredibly large part of the COG Army, and COG soldiers from all over look up to him as a mentor.
11 June 2011
27 May 2011
Locust Horde
The Locust Horde is a group of hostile humanoids that remained underground until Emergence Day. Their primary goal is to overtake and claim as much territory as much possible, and their secondary goal is to exterminate the Human race, which would result in a huge head step on their primary goal. The COG Army has attemped, multiple times, to peacefully settle the war with the Locust Horde, but each time they refused all ideas of a peace settlement, and the war continued. The Locust rely on a single hideout, The Hollow to supply and train their soldiers, rather than multiple bases like the COG Army. However, The Hollow is incredibly large and any attempt to overcome the hideout would result in horrible defeat. The Locust Horde's technology is mainly derived from Human and COG Army technology, but they do posess several exclusive weapons and armor permutations, such as the Digger Launcher, Ink Grenades, and the Scorcher flamethrower. When not using COG weapons, the Locust Horde take a more biological point of view, seen by their Ink Grenades, and suicidal Tickers. The Locust is also known for their incredibly large numbers, which allow them to send large waves of Locust at a time. The Horde is fully equipped with every type of soldier that War demands, with 10 types of Drones, 2 types of Theron Guards, and 5 Boomer variants, just to name their ground troops. Recently, the Lambent has proved a challenge to the Locust Horde, and with the COG Army and Lambent against them, they are becoming weaker.
23 May 2011
Lancer Assault Rifle
The Lancer Assault Rifle is the main primary firearm used by the COG Army. Every soldier is equipped with the rifle, and it has been in use for over 50 years with minimal changes. The gun works it's finest at medium range, but well-timed bursts and active reloads give the gun almost universal range. The Lancer features a chainsaw bayonet, which gurantees a kill, and is very useful against Sires that lurk in the New Hope Research Facility. The Lancer is a very reliable weapon, and has built itself a reputation for being very versatile at the same time. It maintains low recoil regardless of fire rate, and holds an incredible 660 rounds maximum with 60 rounds per clip. Like the Gnasher shotgun, the Lancer is also commonly used by the Locust. Cyclops favor the weapon more than others, and are known to make considerable use of the Chainsaw Bayonet. The COG have created a very powerful weapon by developing the Lancer, but they must be ready to face their own guns around every corner, including chainsaw bayonets.
21 May 2011
Dominic Santiago
Dominic Santiago, better known as "Dom", is an essential asset to Delta Squad. Dom is Marcus's right-hand man, the two of them maintaining a close friendship since childhood. Dom's top concern, besides killing Locust, is to keep Marcus upright and alive. Dom has endured an extremely painful emotional life, having lost his entire immediate family due to the Locust. His children, which he created when he was a teenager, lost their lives as a result of E-Day. His brother, Carlos Santiago, lost his life in the war. Even worse, after searching far and wide for his wife, Maria, and finally finding her, Dom was forced to end her pain and suffering after he found she had endured intense torture and mistreatment by the Locust underground and would not recover. Nevertheless, these sufferings have taught Dom to be an even tougher man and have further increased his passion to kill Locusts. Dom's selflessness is very evident in his pursuance to find his wife, and his devotion to keep Marcus, his only "family" left, alive and well. Dom has a tattoo of his wife on his shoulder, which he had reworked into an angel to commemorate her death.
18 May 2011
Coalition of Ordered Governments - COG
The Coalition of Ordered Governments, more commonly known as the COG, originated as a
Governmental Faction created to bring equality and peace to the world. It relied on 8 key principles to do so: Order, Diligence, Purity, Labor, Honor, Loyalty, Faith, and Humility. However, all this changed once the Locust attacked. The COG became a surviving savior, with a new goal: to save the human race from extinction. The COG left everything behind and started from scratch. They recruited men and women to fight, and they were known as COG soldiers. They fought in multiple wars, with multiple outcomes. Large locust numbers soon pushed the COG to conscription, and things only got worse. Soon Jacinto became a large target for the Locust since it was a safe-haven for the humans, and disaster struck when the city was sunk even after the COG had sacrificed thousands of lives in the process of trying to save millions of lives.
17 May 2011
Gnasher Shotgun
The Gnasher shotgun is an essential firearm developed and used by the COG. The gnasher is incredibly useful at close range and is known to blow enemies apart when correctly aimed. The weapon holds 8 shells per load, and is a lever-action weapon. The Gnasher has tremendous stopping power that slows down an approaching enemy with every shot. The weapon encourages enemies to keep their distance, however it may inspire more ambitious enemies to charge at you with their own shotgun. The Gnasher combined with cover gives the enemy a deadly surprise if users can time it correctly. While the COG make great use of this weapon, unfortunately the Locust Horde does as well. They are known to salvage the weapons and extra ammunition from fallen soldiers and use them against their creators. The Gnasher was the only shotgun available to the COG until the recent Sawed-Off Shotgun was manufactured and distributed. Both weapons are close-range, but the Gnasher has the longer range of the two. The gnasher is extremely powerful in very tight firefights, as there have been reports it can eliminate more than one enemy with a single well-aimed shot. The Gnasher takes full-advantage of the Active Reload System, providing a bloody but satisfying reward for those with the coordination and patience to perform a perfect reload.
16 May 2011
Augustus Cole
Augustus Cole, also known as "Cole Train" to his fellow squad mates, is an active member of the elite COG Delta Squad. "Cole" was an active Thrashball player before his enlistment, and often refers to his love for the game when fighting against the Locust Horde with his squad. Cole does what he has to do to get the job done, but he would never leave a fellow brother behind. He is full of intensity and loves to fire up his squad at the slightest hint of a coming firefight. Cole is very aggressive and often likes to think he is a lone wolf, known for his blatant behavior and feisty quotes. Cole takes pride in every kill he obtains, and never takes his duty for granite. Cole is armed with the standard Lancer assault rifle, Gnasher shotgun, and snub pistol. Cole's physique is none to be messed with, proved by his oversized arms and inability to wear arm protection throughout his multiple years of service to the COG. Cole's ambitious personality and passion for the destruction of the Horde make him a viable asset to Delta Squad.
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